Monday, October 31, 2011

Never again (I wish)

My first Halloween at school as the real teacher in charge was crazy.  Why is Halloween every year? And why does it revolve around candy for children? Do people know how crazy kids get with a bunch of sugar in their system?  Halloween was my favorite holiday kindergarten through 3rd grade--what was I thinking?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A lot has been happening

In the past couple weeks I've gotten my wedding dress back from being altered, we've started ordering announcements, and Cody and I were able to buy a contract for a place to live after we're married.  Coupled with that the end of the term is this week, which means my first batch of report cards, make-up work, a field trip yesterday, a new term starts Monday, and I'm thinking of things I want to change for term 2 and wondering if it will all work out. Wondering if I'll ever stop feeling like I'm incompetent.  Wondering if I'll ever feel like I'm actually on top of the game and not just flying by the seat of my pants, especially with employee obligations--meetings, trainings, reporting, assessing, etc. 

I feel bad that Cody has to hear all my worries and complaints and discouragement from day to day.  Thankfully things have been a little brighter on my end of things lately.  The term is ending so I do get a fresh start of sorts next week.  It's less than two months now until the wedding.  We're supposed to get married so eventually both of our contracts will sell.  The bridal showers are all set.  And at least my students like me. And I have Cody. :)  He makes everything better.
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