Friday, April 16, 2010

Thoughts in preparation

15 April 2010 10:19PM
Quelquefois je suis triste à cause des choses que je ne sais pas et que je ne peux pas savoir ou connaitre. Alors, la plupart de temps je suis contente, ce n’est que je suis seule dans la nuit. Mais je connais qu’il y a un plan pour moi et pour mon avenir. Peut-être maintenant est une autre époque dans ma vie quand je dois rappeler ces faits et ces vérités ? ...haha...France m’attend. :)

16 April 2010 9:57am
What am I supposed to do? I thought as I stared down at my hands, thinking about the past week and my impending trip to France. I looked at the white Book of Mormon resting in the book rack on the back of the previous pew and pleaded internally, Please help me to know.

I opened up to Moroni 7:45: “And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.”

I read through this scripture—a very familiar scripture—several times and saw new and specific meanings for me right now.

Later, when I had access to a computer (which is right now) and no longer had access to a print copy of the scriptures, I looked up the definition of charity in the Bible Dictionary. It reads, “The highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; the pure love of Christ. It is never used to denote alms or deeds or benevolence, although it may be a prompting motive.”

Not merely affection. I think that goes back to what President Monson was referring to at this past General Conference when he was talking about his love for his wife. It also is intertwined with the definition given by Elder Holland at this past Conference about the difference between love and lust and the difference between the different kinds of love we can feel, but ultimately, it is charity that we should strive for.

With that in mind, I will try to more fully have charity be my driving force. A lot of people that go to France as tourists misunderstand the people and the culture of France; with this reminder about charity and with the words of my Dad’s blessing from Christmas in mind, I am going to go to France ready to understand and appreciate les gens et la culture française.

Aussi, avec mes amis, (un ami en particulier), je pense que je dois montrer plus de charité. Les traits de charité ce qui sont expliqué dans Moroni j'essayerai à développer avec cet ami dans mon âme. Je ne sais pas l’esprit de Dieu, mais je connais qu’Il me donne des choses dont j’ai besoin.

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