Monday, November 11, 2013


I feel like I'm always trying to find things for which to be grateful.  I know November is a natural time for Americans to think about gratitude because of Thanksgiving. I'm sure that other months are months of "Thanksgiving" in other cultures.

Here's a short list. I hope to add some longer posts about specific things that I am grateful for in the coming weeks:

  1. the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  2. my husband, Cody
  3. the restored church of Jesus Christ (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
  4. family
  5. prophets, seers, and revelators today
  6. books
  7. library cards
  8. chocolate
  9. friends
  10. letters
  11. my mom and dad, specifically
  12. Lindsey, specifically
  13. carpools
  14. airplanes
  15. cameras
  16. notebooks and pens
  17. literacy
  18. music
  19. patient people
  20. knowledge
  21. Shakespeare
  22. Dr. Seuss
  23. Yo Yo Ma
  24. blue things
  25. warm blankets
  26. colors
  27. food
  28. being able to cook
  29. running water
  30. indoor plumbing
  31. indoor heating and cooling
  32. a car
  33. my job
  34. Cody's job
  35. that I live in the United States 
  36. that I grew up in middle-class America so that I'm blessed with opportunities beyond many in the world
  37. our local and national leaders
  38. good people that have the desire to run for/be president/Senate/House of Representatives/Governor/etc. and who mostly are all just trying to do their best, so that I don't ever have to feel like I need to
  39. scientists
  40. iPods
  41. running shoes
  42. socks
  43. my nephew who is the cutest
  44. my brothers and sisters (counting in-laws, too)
  45. American history
  46. having gone to BYU and taken so many different classes
  47. prayer
  48. perspective
  49. fall
  50. that I'm not allergic to any foods or medicines

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