Monday, February 24, 2014


You know how everyone has that one thing that they do that just makes them feel better?  Mine isn't running because I don't always feel better after doing it. However, there are times when it is just the thing to help lift my spirits.

I woke up in a pretty lousy mood today, for multiple reasons, not the least of which was that I had to wake up at 5:38 to use the bathroom--only an hour before my alarm went off--and it was soooo hard to go back to sleep again.  However, while I tried to put that mood off all day at school, though not the most successfully at times, I'll admit, it just got worse on my ride home from school.

I called my mom and she helped me talk things out. And then of course talking with Cody helped me to feel a little better and get rid of some of my negative feelings. But what cinched the deal between my head, my heart, and my emotions was going for a run.

After changing into my running clothes, I started out with a destination in mind to help my legs prepare for the Rex Lee run next Saturday.  After reaching it, instead of doing an out-and-back, I ran a little bit further than I was planning on and when I got home I felt so much better (I'm pretty sure Downton Abbey helped too).  There's nothing like feeling your muscles working, breathing hard, and just feeling alive to help boost your spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Yes!!

    I LOVE when I go for a run and meet my turn around point but still want to keep going.


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