Monday, December 31, 2012


After being inspired by my visiting teacher, Kensie,  I decided that I wanted to learn how to crochet sometime in my life, preferably sooner rather than later.  This Christmas break, I noticed that my mother-in-law can crochet and does so often, so I asked if she would teach me.  After the first few rows of stumbling my way through and trying to find a rhymthm, I realized it would probably look better if I stopped, took it out and started again.  As I was doing so, I ran into a snag and had to cut the yarn.

So then I was REALLY starting from scratch.  After working on it for about four hours Saturday and a little bit of time yesterday morning, this is what's I have so far.

 Then I worked on it a bit after church and through the evening. This is what it looks like now:

And I am so proud of it, messed up stitches and all.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! Once you get the hang of it, I'll need you to teach me. I'll just learn right hand to make it easier. I also need a brush up on knitting!


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