Sunday, March 24, 2013

Why I visit teach each month

As I was eating my dinner tonight, I reflected on church today, especially on the lesson in Relief Society (for those of you that don't know, Relief Society is the hour of church where the women come together to teach each other from the scriptures and words of the prophets).   The lesson today was on Preident Monson's message on seeing others as they may become.  As we discussed ways that we can show others that we love them, visiting teaching came up.

Visiting teaching.  What is it?  Is it simply going out to visit the two or three sisters you've been given stewardship over to make sure they're not in a crisis and to share a brief spiritual message with them once a month?  Yes and no.  The goal is to minister like the Savior ministered and continues to minister to us through the Spirit.  The other goal is to make friends in the gospel.  But the goal is not to just have one more thing on your check off list.  Sometimes that might be what you need to make sure you make time to do it, but ministering isn't an item on a to-do list.

Ministering is keeping others in your thoughts and prayers and serving them in any way you can and that they need.  Right now I'm finding that my biggest acts of service are simply being consistent in going each month to visit, inviting them to church, and answering questions.

But why do I go visit teach every month since I've been assigned to be a visiting teacher?  It's because of two people: my mom and my sister.  I've seen the difference that my mom has made in others lives and I want to be like that.  With my sister, I've seen how she hasn't been visited very much, ever. And it makes me sad.  So I visit teach each month because I wish someone would do that for MY sister.  I wish someone would care enough about MY sister to visit her each month and to keep her in their prayers.  Because I care about my sister that much,  I figure there are other sisters and moms out there who hope the same for their sister and daughter, and so I go.

Me, my sister, my Mom
I go and over time I become friends with these amazing women I am blessed to visit. I go and I am blessed by interacting with these women.  I go and pray that sometime soon someone will do the same for my dear sister,  that they'll become friends and they'll realize just how amazing she is.  THAT'S why I go visiting teaching.

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