Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13ths always have a soft spot in my heart because one of my best friend's favorite numbers is 13.  I've recognized every single Friday the 13th for the past five years in his honor--not because they are unlucky but because they can be uncommonly lucky.

I'm hoping for that luck to come sometime soon in my search for job.  Yet, I know that it won't be luck that "lands me the job"--it will first and foremost be the guidance of the Lord in my life, second of all it will be the help of my supervisors and those who wrote letters of recommendation for me, third of all it will be my ability to convey to my "judges" that I will be a qualified teacher and willing co-worker, and fourth of all, the goodness of my "judges" hearts to hire me.

I've been finding lilacs a lot lately--this week especially--which has made me so very happy! Lilacs always bring me such joy! Not only do they smell divine, but they are dainty and have a simple beauty.  They also only come at one time of year, their own special season, which happens to pretty much be the month of May, maybe into the beginning of June, but more likely not.

Lilacs are a particularly bright spot in my life this week because I've been facing some inner doubts concerning how others perceive me. And I really shouldn't worry about it...and I usually don't...but I do sometimes.

I think I'm just overly-sensitive or something.

But back to today being Friday the 13th.  I had a job interview today--let's hope the "luck" superstition holds!

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