Monday, July 25, 2011

The first bone

On Wednesday I was at school moving things around and putting things away in my classroom. As I was attempting to move a table from the spare room to my classroom, the table slipped and fell onto my big toe on my right foot.  After I moved my foot from underneath the table, I sat down on the ground and kept saying, "You'll be alright, you'll be alright, you'll be alright." After the pounding in my foot subsided after a minute or so, I got back up, grabbed the table and hauled it over to my classroom. I noticed my toe was bleeding a little bit so I rinsed it off in the sink and put a band-aid on it from the handy-dandy first-aid kit in my classroom.

(my swollen right toe compared to my normal left toe)

Eventually I told the other teachers that were there and asked them what I should do--I took some Excedrin and iced my foot, but they said I couldn't really do anything for toes, so I decided I couldn't really do anything and kept working.

After driving home, I ate dinner and iced my foot again.  My roommate, boyfriend, and Dad all told me I should get it looked at by a doctor; accordingly, Cody and I drove to the InstaCare at the hospital. Turned out I had broken my toe, but only the bone on the end of my toe so I wouldn't need a cast. I would just wear a shoe for 2-3 weeks, take an antibiotic for a week, ice it, elevate my foot, and try to stay off of my foot as much as possible. 

And that's my story of the first bone I've ever broken. 


  1. LOL... why does it seem wrong that with all that's happened in the past week, you choose to post about your toe, instead of your ENGAGEMENT. lol.. I mean, don't get me wrong...the toe is interesting.. I stared at the pics for quite a while, LOL... but I'd have thought that your engagement would have been the highlight of blog material for the week :)
    Carla (Geddes)

  2. I'll be getting around to writing about my engagement, probably later today or tomorrow or something. But my Mom wanted pictures of my toe and I told her I'd put it on my blog. So I did. :)


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