Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Don't respond with hate

Normally I keep my political discussions between Cody and me. However, this is an instance where I want everyone to know that I don't believe in hate. Just because some people made a horrible, horrible decision, doesn't mean that I think that all Libyans, all Muslims, all Arabs are bad people. In fact, I believe most of them are all good, faithful, peaceful people, just like most Americans, just like most of the world.

Usually the news stations only focus on the negative: the American Ambassador in Libya was killed by some angry Libyans in response to an anti-Muslim movie made by an amateur California filmmaker.

However, the news probably won't show this and I think that this aspect is equally as important to know about.

Hate as a reaction to hate doesn't change anything, more people are hurt and nothing gets solved or fixed as a result of responding that way.  Don't check your religion at the door about this or other acts of hate.


  1. "don't check your religion at the door" I love that! I completely agree Beth, in all the facebook posts about this, you rarely see these pictures.


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