Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 29: Books, Dress, Graves, Flowers and Dinner

Today after class I went with Grace, Ryan and Judy to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant; it was my third time going there. After eating, Ryan and I stopped at a patisserie on the way back to the Institute (to use the bathrooms) and I bought a beignet framboise. So good! It's like a huge raspberry filled doughnut, only better. I wasn't able to get a picture because I ate it.

This mini-adventure was followed by decision to hop on the metro and see where it went. It ended in Marie-des-Lilas. A more urban neighborhood part of Paris, though on the outskirts of Zone 1 (maybe 2...). I was able to buy a cute dress for 12 euro, 1 book (also for 12 euro...) and was able to enjoy a local cemetery.

After enjoying Marie-des-Lilas, and seeing that it was about to start raining, the Metro was again sought and this time the end destination was the Anatole France stop (because I've wanted to go there ever since I saw it the fourth day I was here). The city where Anatole France is located is so pretty! It's still in the city, there are still buildings and such, but there was a beautiful public park that was really well kept up, with a water play place for kids to play attached to it. I also stopped at a book store and bought three more books...

Since I had so many books and a dress, I came back to the Vesinet, dropped off my stuff and then headed back into the city for our group dinner. What did I have to eat? The pictures are below and it was all delicious.
(Entree: Escargots; actually quite good. Not terribly filling, but they didn't taste gross)
(Plat: Tartiflette avec sa salade verte; all I could see at this point
was that there was cheese on top)
(Come to find out there is also ham and potato and some kind of special sauce; delicious)
(As you can notice, I really enjoyed it. No, I did not lick the plate/bowl; I used
my bread to get most of the sauce left over)
(Dessert: crepe au chocolat et sa chantilly; basically a crepe with chocolate and whipped cream. It was good, I enjoyed it)


  1. Two questions:
    1. Do you think anyone will want to kiss you after eating snails? YUCK, NASTY!!

    2. How do you plan to get all your new books home and can I read any of them or are they in French?

    (Sorry, I guess that was technically 3 questions)

    Love you! MOM

  2. Three answers:
    1. I don't want to kiss anyone here so I thought snails would be a good idea.

    2. I have enough space and weight in my suitcase to bring them home (I checked last night).

    3. You would be able to read three of the books--two by Charlotte Bronte and one by George Eliot. But the rest are in French.

    Love you too!


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